Five Things I’ve Learnt so far – Part 3

Lesson number three – It’s not like the movies. By that, I mean that the way that death and dying is depicted in the media, TV and films is far from reality (from what I’ve seen, anyway). A bit of background on my Mum’s diagnosis – she had breast cancer, six rounds of chemo andContinue reading “Five Things I’ve Learnt so far – Part 3”

Five Things I’ve Learnt so far – Part 2

Lesson number two – it is shocking how rapidly the body can change and deteriorate. At the start of treatment, everything was positive for Mum. The treatment plan made sense, the likely success rate was high, and Mum’s fatigue had started to dissipate. She’d had her diagnosis and treatment plan, so she wasn’t constantly worriedContinue reading “Five Things I’ve Learnt so far – Part 2”

Five Things I’ve Learnt so far – Part 1

Part 1 of a little series of posts about what I’ve learnt throughout my journey with Mum’s cancer, her death, and my grief. Lesson number one – Cancer is confusing and unfair. Mum’s diagnosis wasn’t straightforward. She was diagnosed in December 2016. February 2015, she’d had a routine mammogram which picked up a grey mass/areaContinue reading “Five Things I’ve Learnt so far – Part 1”

Self Comfort and Care

There are things that bring me comfort and remind me of my Mum in sad times. When I’m having a bad day (or a good one), I can let myself listen, read, experience, and share these things that help me feel better. Listening to music that reminds me of her. I made a playlist onContinue reading “Self Comfort and Care”


The idea of social distancing is to distance yourself from those around you to lessen the chance of spreading this awful virus. It is there to protect one another and slow the infection rate, and therefore take some burden off the shoulders of all NHS staff, emergency service workers and carers. As I mentioned inContinue reading “#socialdistancing”

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