Losing my Grandma

My lovely Nan, Patricia Dowell, died in April 2019. She had just turned 80 years old, and both her physical and mental health had started to decline since my Mum died little over a year earlier. Nan was always there, no matter what we needed. She was a great cook, seamstress, a fierce friend andContinue reading “Losing my Grandma”

What have you learnt from the loss of a loved one?

A couple of weeks ago, Chelsie from Bereavedat22 tagged me in a post headed with the above question. It got me thinking about what I have learnt, and how I can grow and share to support others. I have focused on three main things that I’ve learnt along my grief journey so far. You can read partContinue reading “What have you learnt from the loss of a loved one?”

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